Everybody Loves Raymond!

Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley (PMV) has approved a partnership with Raymond Presbyterian Church PCA in Raymond Mississippi to establish a Sheds of HOPE depot on the grounds of the church. The church has historic roots that go back to 1842. They have invited adjoining presbyteries to join them in this project. Now they are in the process of identifying deacons from each of their congregations to plan, promote, and resource this ministry.

The PMV Raymond Depot (RD), once up and operating, will provide a secure location in Central Mississippi to store relief supplies; provide disaster preparedness awareness and training; build Sheds of HOPE (SOH) kits; and resource PCA churches within Covenant Presbytery, Grace Presbytery, and the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley, primarily, in the timely marshaling of critically needed resources for communities suffering from a natural or man-made disaster. This is a huge development that should be celebrated, proving once again that strong leadership and God’s unction create ministry movement.

The RD includes a 1,700 sq. ft. dedicated warehouse (once the US Post Office) for SOH kit construction, an already in place loading dock, and dedicated areas to store relief supplies such as relief kits and equipment. Additionally, there are restrooms, showers, a kitchen, and an open room that can be used as a dorm for traveling teams that wish to overnight. The RD will also become a collection and transfer point for congregations to assist MNA Disaster Response when relief supplies are needed in areas outside of the region. 

Please join Mission to North America in giving thanks for this amazing development. If you would like more information, or want to know how best to support Presbytery of Mississippi Valley in this project and how to serve please contact Steve Britton, MNA Disaster Response Sheds of HOPE Specialist at sbritton@pcanet.org He will put you in touch with the leadership team that is steering this project and available to speak with your congregation.

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